groups SQUIRRELS AND KITTENS, 5-6 YEARS about Italy

groups SQUIRRELS AND KITTENS, 5-6 YEARS about Italy

by Danica Zver -
Number of replies: 0

Italy (Italija):

What do we know?

Italy is there on the map where the boot is.

they have different schools and preschools

They speak different language. They speak »Italic«

In Italy have donkeys and they are riding donkeys and they have knights.

Sweet red oranges grows there

Italic people. Lives in Italy

They eat risotto, spaghetti and pizza

In Italy is a town Venezia. Where they are driving in boats by sea through the streets


What we would like to know?



How the horses are prepared for the race?  (In Siena)

How do they row boats in Venice?

How is it possible the houses in Cinqeterre do not fall or roll into the see at that steep slope?

What kind of ice cream is most popular in Italy?

Can they make a good food even without mozzarella?


What have we learned?


The boats in Venice are gondolas

Cinqeterre is a village. You are not allowed to drive a car there.

In Roma is a big Acropolis

Roma is a capital of Italy.

They speak Italian language.

They have very interesting horse races tree times a year.

It is a Leaning Tower in town Piza

Fairy-tale Pinocchio is Italian story.

They have a cheese Mozzarella. They use it a lot.

A caw witch milk is used for making Mozzarella is called Buffalo.

A town Venezia is so interesting

We had a visit of a teacher .she can speak Italian and she told us a story of three colours, two songs Ringa raja and Fra' Martino : Fra Martino campanaro

We made Italian pasta.

They have two volcanos.

Fra Martino

Dormi tu, dormi tu?

Suona le campane,

Suona le campane,

Din don dan

Din don dan.