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Re: Slovenia

by Danica Zver -

What language is spoken?

Slovene is an Indo-European language with a highly developed inflectional system (e.g. preservation of the dual). Together with Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian and Bulgarian, it is classified within the South Slavic branch of the Slavic languages, although it also has many features in common with the West Slavic branch. The geographic territory of Slovene lies in one of the most complex linguistic contact areas in Europe, where Slavic converges with Romance, Germanic and Finno-Ugric.  

Are there skiing areas there?

Yessss, many.


If we were to ask a random Slovenian passing by in the street to name a national sport, the answer would be, without hesitation, skiing. Skiing and everything related to it boast a venerable tradition in this country, and for many years – or winters, to be precise – Slovenian skiers have delighted their fans with excellent results. The long skiing tradition is attested by the writings of Sigmund von Herberstein, in 1549, where he mentions the Bloke Plateau and the local skiers.


What is the landscape like?

One of the first things you notice on arriving in Slovenia is the extraordinary variety and diversity of landscapes. Driving across Slovenia creates the impression that in a very short space of time you have driven across several countries.

In this small piece of Europe, bountiful Nature has combined and interwoven a whole range of diverse landscapes. Mighty Alpine peaks with sheer faces, deep karst caves and potholes, softly rounded hills and vast plains: Slovenia has all of these. There are also beautiful lakes and bubbling brooks, the silence of forests and the crashing waves of the sea.

In slightly more geographical terms, this means that Slovenia lies at the junction of the Alpine, Mediterranean, Pannonian and Dinaric worlds, all of which have left their mark on its landscape.

What kind vegetation grows ?

It depended in which area. In Alps - coniferous forests, in the central mixed forest – some conifers and some deciduous forest. There are olive trees at the coast, Many fields with corn, potato, buckwheat; wheat, etc., meadows with a variety of grasses and flowers

Slovenia is a green country.  Around 60 percent of Slovenia is covered in deciduous and evergreen forests, making it the third most forested country in Europe. There is virgin forest just 60 kilometres from the capital city. Many forests feature interpretive trails. More than a third of Slovenia’s entire territory is ranked in the European network of nature protection areas, Natura 2000. The plant diversity is exceptional, with numerous cultured plants thriving in addition to forests, shrubbery and meadows. All the country’s regions are well suited for the grapevine. More:

Do you have any kind of national customs?


11. Of November it is a martin day. We said that on this day a grape juice starts to be a proper vine.

31. of October – A witch’s night

1. Of November All saints day – we are remembering our beloved who dies

6. Of December – Miklavževanje. It is like Saint Nicholas but the good man is from a legend about a bioscope that made a lot of good things poor poor people. On that day Miklavž walks and gives presents – dry apples and peers and cookies. In his escort walk an angels and devils. And who is not good …you know who will take him?


New Year

Pust (40 days before eastern we all wear masks and pushing the winter away a lot of original masks and celebrations.

Cvetna nedelja – Sunday of flowers – the last Sunday before eastern – we all have some kind of branches and springs flowers called BUTARICA or an olive branch


Eastern – we colure eggs at home -  

And a cake Potica is almost mandatory




Has Slovenia won the Eurovision contest?


No, never. The best result was 7 place by Darja Švajger 1995 with a song  Prisluhni mi (Listen to me)

and the same place by  Nuša Derenda Energy 2001