Italian Proverbs about water

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slovenian proverbs

by Danica Zver -

  Silent waters run deep

Water is not good even for a shoe

When you fall into a water – be angry with yourself not  ona stream

The real taste of a water is recognized only in the desert

You can not cook even a porridge ifyou are stringy with a water

Fire and water are good servants but a bad masters.

Donkey is not going twice on a ice.

Standing water gets stinky

And as you know…Slovenia produces good wines and a lot of our traditional way of life is connected with wine:

 Water for a face, wine for a soul
A vine for a dinner- a watter for a breakfast
A wine from a pot is better than a water from a spring
Do not put water into a wine – it will be bad, like love with a marriage

 Slovenian word for a water is "voda".

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