Matevž - "Matthew"

Matevž - "Matthew"

by Danica Zver -
Number of replies: 2




50 dag cooked and peeled potatoes

50 dag cooked beans

salted to taste

3 spoons grease or oil

Mash potatoes, beans and hot oil/grease. Mash so long until colour is laight brown. Use as mashed potatoes. Slovenian people like to eat Matevž with sauerkraut or pickled turnip with sausage (Kranjska klobasa) or Bratwurst (pečenica) sometimes with smoked ham.

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Re: Matevž - "Matthew"

by Danica Zver -
Matthew is a Slovenian national dish of beans and potatoes. If you put other ingrediants then it is not Matevž. You can put on top some cracklings.
Most of it is present as an accompaniment to other dishes.