10 commandements from Slovenia

10 commandements from Slovenia

by Danica Zver -
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Our 10 commandements by children 5 - 6 y , group Spots and a teacher Suzana and Little duckies and a teacher Danica:

1. We eat healthy food (fruits, vegetables, vitamins). And a meat for muscles - variety of foods

2. We exercise each day.

3. We drink enough fluid.  Water and tea without sugar are healthy. Also juices from fresh fruits and herbs. We drink tea with honey and lemon.

4. We need enough rest and quality sleep. .

5. We play safe with our friends.

6. When the sun shines hard,  we wear sunglasses and  hats. (Mostly we stay in a shadow...)

7. We walk in the woods and nature. There is a fresh air. We watch TV just a little bit and we stay outside and play for a longer time.

8. We wash our body every day, specialy hands.  We have to clean our teeth in the morning and in the evening.

9. Listen to music that we like.

10. We feel better, if we are friendly to our friends and help each other.

 A healthy salute from Slovenia