5 Commandments from Belgium

5 Commandments from Belgium

by Harald Brück, Gemeindeschule Büllingen -
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Hello to all,

the ideas from our commandements were made and collected by the classes 3 and 4 :

relation to the nature:
Listen to the voices of nature and explore the different seasons !
Do breathing exercices !
Be respectful towards nature ( waste,....) !
Do outdoor sports !

relation to others:
Be open-minded and creative !
Be friendly towards others and  respect eachother !
Spend time with friends and family !
Help if somebody needs your help !
Trust in your abilities !

relation to yourself  /mindfulness.
Think positive and try to enjoy every day even small things !
Do some sports and move your body regularly !
Get enough sleep !

relation to food:
Eat fruit and vegetable !
Eat only a little fat and sugar !
Drink enough water or herbal tea !
Don´t eat too much !
Eat slowly, take your time while eating !

relation to time:
Have a good balance between school and leisure time !
Spend some moments for rest and silence (meditaton, ....) !
Discover your talents and concentrate on one or two of them (music, sports,....) !

Best healthy and happy regards from Belgium,

class 3 and 4