Earth Day in Belgium 2016

Earth Day in Belgium 2016

by Harald Brück, Gemeindeschule Büllingen -
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Daffodils  in the valley

 For the Earth Day 2016 in Belgium ,our school made the follow activities: We will show  you some pictures:


The children from the first degree went with Woolly to the daffodils fields "Holzwarche" in our region.


For the children and for Woolly  the afternoon was very exciting and interesting. 


The countless daffodils are well known in our area: Last year, the children from class 3 and 4 went to this valley with the slovenian mascot: If you want, you can read and watch the documentation from the belgian Earth Day 2015 as well. enjoy it!




Water, water and little animals


The children from class 3 and 4 spent half a day near the water on a stream in Büllingen.

With a member from a local nature protection agency, the kids examined the quality of water.

First the pupils collected small water animals found on the ground of the stream or under stones with paintbrushes and sieves:

After this, they were determinate with the information of a special table.

Some animals are only able to live in clean water, for example the Stone flie.

As we found a few of them, we declared the water Quality as very good. The stone flie can´t live in  polluted water.


This morning we learned a lot outdoors about water and nature.


The man spoke from the circle of water and gave us many information.

He said, that a drop of water needs 75 000 years for doing the whole circle.


He showed us a table about the daily use of water and gave us advices how to save water.















