Massague story from Slovenia

Massague story from Slovenia

by Danica Zver -
Number of replies: 1

 SLO :
Kmet sadi krompir

Otroke razdelimo v pare. En otrok se uleže na trebuh, drugi pa poklekne ob njem. S prsti riše po hrbtu ležečega otroka po navodilih vzgojiteljice.
Kmet gre na njivo in jo pognoji s hlevskim gnojem  ( z dlanmi otresa po hrbtu, tako da se hrbta vsakokrat dotakne),

nato njivo zorje  ( z dvema prstoma močno potegne po hrbtu navzdol in potem navzgor, dokler vsa njiva (hrbet) ni zorana)
 nato jo razrahlja z brano ( z malo razklenjenimi prsti potegne večkrat po hrbtu navzdol in navzgor),

naredi krajčke ( s prsti dela širše brazde (bolj razklenjeni prsti) navzgor in navzdol po hrbtu)
 in potem posadi krompir ( s prstom dela pike v ravnih črtah navzgor in navzdol po hrbtu)
 ga zasipa  (z dlanjo pomete po hrbtu).

Dež namoči njivo (z vsemi prsti tapka po celem hrbtu),

potem posije sonce  (cele dlani polaga nežno na hrbet, da ležeči začuti toploto),

in krompir skali in vidijo se že rastline  (s palcem in kazalcem rahlo ščiplje hrbet).

 Kmet poškropi njivo proti plevelu ( z vsemi prsti tapka po celem hrbtu).

 Ko krompir dozori, s posebni strojem preorje njivo ( z dvema prstoma močno potegne po hrbtu navzdol in potem navzgor, dokler vsa njiva (hrbet) ni zorana).

Nato pobere krompir  (s prsti pobira krompir)
 ga odpelje domov.  (konča in umakne roke s hrbta).

A farmer is planting potatoes.

Children must have a pair.  One child is lying on a stomach, the other kneels beside him. With his fingers he draws on a back of the lying one.
A farmer goes on a field and he fertilize with a manure. He shake it on a field. (Shaking hands – palms over the back, gently touching)

Then a farmer is ploughing a field (heavily sweating with two fingers on the back down and then up)

 He loosens the harrow (pull / move with fingers up and down of the back, make curves - broader furrows)

Then he plant a potatoes.  (Make with the fingers the »dots« in a straight line up and down the back

The rain is falling on the field. (Make »rain« with the fingers)

The sun shines (put whole hands on the back – must feel warm of the hands)

And potatoes is starting to grow you can see little plants already (with your thumb and forefinger gently squeeze back).

A farmer sprayed a field against weeds (tapping with all fingers across the back).

When the potatoes are ripe, a farmer ploughed a field with a special machine  (with two fingers pull strong on the back down and then up until all the land (back) is not ploughed)


Then a farmer picks up potatoes (with fingers pick up the potatoes).

He take potatoes home (end and remove hands from the back).

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