Host kids for pupils in Huutijärvi

Host kids for pupils in Huutijärvi

by Harald Brück, Gemeindeschule Büllingen -
Number of replies: 3

Hello, today, we made a picture of our belgian hostkids, we are excited....Here are the emailadresses for getting in contact.....

Host kids for Huutijärvi

from the left to the right:

Tommy, Tabea, Svenja, Hannah and Jillian

Aleksi is going to Tommy /

Pinja is going to Jillian / email is coming asap

Sirene is going to Svenja /

Lyyti is going to Hannah /

Saara and Siiri are going to Tabea /

see you soon,


In reply to Harald Brück, Gemeindeschule Büllingen

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Re: Host kids for pupils in Huutijärvi

by Harald Brück, Gemeindeschule Büllingen -


we will answer to your questions:

You don't need  sheets  and pillowcases. Take 1-2 towels with you. But there are some in the families.

The weather will be good next week/ but: Take a rain coat and warmclothes with you, and good hiking shoes,  a cap, swim wear as well

I think in the most families is WIFI, if not you can communicate by email.

Don't forget the swimmwear;;;;

See you, we are happy to welcome you in Belgium....
